DIY Grow A Crystal Nightlight
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Electric Bike Charges Itself
This electric bike allows its riders to charge itself by pedaling. It also folds up completely and is easy to carry! With the built in alternator it converts mechanical energy (Read More)
3D Glow In The Dark Solar System
This is a solar system set that is even glow in the dark. Just snap together the planets and hang anywhere you like. The kit includes all 9 planets and (Read More)
Seven Person Tricycle
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Watermelon Keg Tap
I can’t think of a better item to have on a hot day than this watermelon keg tap! All you have to do is hollow out the inside of the (Read More)
Pyro – Shoot Fireballs From Your Hand
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Live Feed RC Buggy
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This looks awesome on the beach and in the ocean. It’s impossible to tip, commercial grade, and ocean water ready. It also has differential steering so you can spin on (Read More)
Children’s Sand Excavator
The look on the child’s face says it all. When I was a child I would have loved to have a toy like this in my sandbox. Be careful though (Read More)
DIY Bubblegum Kit
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Electric Drift Trike
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Light Up Your Board or Kayak
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Make your own Beer Pong Table
Learn how to build your own light up beer pong table. This table even has gutters for table runoff! Sounds like a good day project to start your weekend partying (Read More)
Inflatable Water Shooting Game
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Treadmill Wall Climber
Work out and have fun while doing it! This Treadmill Wall Climber has a continuously revolving face for all day vertical climbs! The wall is motorless and runs strictly on (Read More)